Accommodation Placement Form All applications must be received by Study Vision at least 10 days (minimum) prior to arrival
A- Student Details Family Name: ___________________ Given Names: _________________________ Date of Birth: ____ / ____ / ____ Sex: _ Male _ Female Nationality: _________________________ Passport No. (if available):_______________ Current Address in Australia (if applicable): ___________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________ Mobile:___________________ Email: ____________________________ Parents’ Address (overseas): ________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________ Mobile:___________________ Email: ____________________________ Name of Education Provider in Australia: _____________________________________________________ Campus Address: _____________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Course of Study: ________________________________________________________________________ Date of Arrival to Australia: ____ / ____ / ____ Flight No.: _____ Estimated Arrival Time: ______
B - Accommodation Requirements Preferred Accommodation: _ Homestay (with Australian Family) _ Shared Unit/House (with other students) Room Sharing Preference: _ Single _ Shared _ Single or Shared Required Accommodation Start Date: ____ / ____ / ____ Length of Stay:______________ weeks (min. 4 weeks) Do you Smoke? _ Yes _ No Do you mind pets (such as cats/dogs) at home? _ Yes _ No State any other special requirements: ______________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____
C-Fees & Conditions Please refer to our current price list (available upon request). All fees must be paid before services will be rendered. Please note that no refunds are made once fees are paid.
E- Student/Parent Declaration I, __________________________________ (Student / Parent : circle one only) hereby make application for Accommodation Placement to Study Vision. I hereby declare that all information provided in this application is true and accurate. I agree to pay rent on time and obey all house rules. Student’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ____ Parent’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ____ 请复制在WORD文档上然后填写好发EMAIL:[email protected]给我们 |