

2013-10-18 14:48  |  次点击

工程是除了会计,IT以外的最热门移民专业了,工程类长期在SOL表上居高不下。不过澳洲的工程读完必须要通过EA澳大利亚工程师协会(Engineers Australia)认证,就像IT读完要通过ACS认证一样,通过职业评估才可以。今天就介绍一下EA认证的流程和承认的大学及专业。


1. EA 评估概述
EA 负责澳大利亚技术移民工程师相关职业的评估,评估主要是基于申请者的:本科学历(工学学士),本科以上的学历只作为工作能力的参考因素之一
• 专业工程师 Professional Engineer:16年教育年限,包括4年工程专业本科学位。         专业工程师认证大学及专业: 更新至16 April 2012
• 工程技术专家 Engineering Technologist:15年教育年限,包括3年工程技术本科学位。 工程技术专家认证大学及专业: 更新至19 Jan 2012
• 工程助理 Engineering Associate:14年教育年限,包括2年工程专业文凭                     工程助理认证大学及专业: 更新至16 April 2012
• 工程经理Engineering Manager:本科及以上学历 ,具有5年及以上的高级管理经验,需提供推荐信的组织结构图。   工程助理介绍:工程认证本科家经验即可

自 2011-07-01 起,EA 针对澳大利亚移民部新的技术移民评分标准,增加了2项附加服务(Additional Assessment Service)。
一种是海外博士与澳洲博士的资质匹配评估(provide an opinion on the qualification as comparable to an Australian PhD)。
另外一个是评估从事的职业与提名职业相关(provide an opinion on the skilled employment claims)。

2. EA评估的工程师职业类别 
233111 Chemical engineer化学工程师
233112 Materials engineer 材料工程师
233211 Civil engineer 土木工程师
233212 Geotechnical engineer 岩土工程师
233214 Structural engineer 建筑工程师
233215 Transport engineer 交通工程师
233311 Electrical engineer 电力工程师
233411 Electronics engineer 电子工程师
233511 Industrial engineer 工业工程师
233512 Mechanical engineer 机械工程师
233513 Production or plant engineer 生产/工厂工程师
233611 Mining engineer (excluding petroleum) 采矿工程师(不含石油类)
233612 Petroleum engineer 石油工程师
233911 Aeronautical engineer 航空工程师
233912 Agricultural engineer 农业工程师
233913 Biomedical engineer 生物医学工程师
233914 Engineering technologist 工程技术员
233915 Environmental engineer 环境工程师
233916 Naval architect 造船工程师
233999 Engineering professional nec 其他工程专业人员 
263311 Telecommunications engineer 电信工程师
263312 Telecommunications network engineer 电信网络工程师
313212 Telecommunications field engineer 电信领域工程师
312211 Civil engineering draftsperson 土木工程绘图员
312311 Electrical engineering draftsperson 电力工程绘图员
313213 Telecommunications network planner 电信网络规划师
313214 Telecommunications technical officer or technologist 电信技术主任/技师
311299 Medical technicians nec 其他医学技术人员 
312511 Mechanical engineering draftsperson 机械工程绘图员 
312999 Building and engineering technicians nec 其他建筑工程技术人员 

3. EA职业评估的两种途径 
1)经过认证的资格评估 through recognised (accredited) Engineering Qualifications:
 1. 澳大利亚学历-所有三种水平 Australian Qualifications—All Three Levels

 2. 华盛顿协议-专业工程师 Washington Accord for Professional Engineer 
 3. 悉尼协议-工程技术人员 Sydney Accord for Engineering Technologist
注:这些学历资格只适用于本科专业工程学位,不适用于学历较低的学术水平 或 研究生资格的工程学历(EA认证的研究生硕士除外)
2) 通过提交能力证明报告 (未经认证的学历,包括中国工科学士学历)through a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for non-recognised qualifications
CDR主要可评估的地方是用英文写三段职业经历和各方面能力的一个总结陈述,The major assessable features of the CDR are your narratives written in English of three career episodes and a Summary Statement of the competency elements you have claimed. 


雅思要求单项不低于 6 (G类或A类均可),成绩单由雅思考试中心直接寄给 Engineers Australia,有效期2年。



1) 澳大利亚学历 Australian Qualifications
如果学历为澳大利亚研究生或以上学历本科工程学历不在澳洲则不能用澳洲学历申请表格 if your Australian qualifications are at the post-graduate level (eg, Postgraduate Diploma, Master of Engineering, PhD) but your undergraduate engineering qualifications are from overseas you cannot apply using this pathway. 

Accredited Qualifications 
For overseas qualifications there are two pathways 
• one deals with undergraduate Professional Engineering programs. This is known as the Washington Accord. 
• and the other deals with Engineering Technologist programs. This is known as the Sydney Accord. 
Please note that all references to ‘qualifications’ refer to the undergraduate engineering qualifications. 


2) 华盛顿协议 Washington Accord 
华盛顿协议就是一份在以下工程鉴定机构之间的协议。在这些国家(包括澳大利亚)本科职业工程的课程学习是等同的 The Washington Accord ( is an agreement between the engineering accreditation bodies, listed below, to recognise as equivalent the undergraduate professional engineering courses of study which are accredited and delivered in those countries. 
Canada The Canadian Accreditation Board of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers 
Hong Kong SAR The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 
Ireland The Institution of Engineers of Ireland 
New Zealand The Institution of Professional Engineers, New Zealand 
South Africa The Engineering Council of South Africa 
South Korea Accreditation Board for Engineering Education for Korea 
Taiwan Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan 
Japan Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education 
Singapore The Institution of Engineers Singapore 
United Kingdom The Engineering Council of the UK 
United States of America The Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
3)Sydney Accord 
悉尼协议就是一份在以下工程鉴定机构之间的协议。它视这些国家的工程技术学习项目是等同的。The Sydney Accord is an agreement between the engineering accreditation bodies, listed below, to recognise as equivalent the Engineering Technologist programs of study which are accredited and delivered in those countries. 
Canada The Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists 
Hong Kong SAR The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers w
